In this research, RBS effective parameters, on the seismic performance of beam-column connections have been investigated. In this study, finite element modelling analyses has been verified with a valid experimental specimen and the results are in good agreement. Ten models were numerically investigated. The investigated parameters are the various No. of IPB sections such as IPB120, IPB160, IPB200, and IPB240, changes in RBS beam cutting length (parameter b), changes in RBS beam cutting depth (parameter c), and changes in RBS beam cutting radius (parameter R). According to the numerical analysis, the moment-rotation curve, as well as the shape and stress distribution of the connection components, are examined for 10 different models. The results show that when the beam reaches the plastic moment area, the moment- rotation curve of the connection location is located in the elastic region. By decreasing the radius of the beam, the strength decreases and the energy dissipation decreases. Further, the results show that increasing parameter b (length of beam cutting), the strength and energy absorption capacity of the beam-column connection slightly decreases which is negligible. Therefore, with increasing parameter b, neither the RBS cutting depth, nor the RBS cutting radius has negative impact and it makes the initiative in executive and operational work to be higher and the executive restrictions to be less. The analysis of the distribution of von Mises stresses indicates the high ability of the beam to be connected with the reduced cross-section in the placement of the plastic joint tends in the reduced area of the beam flange in the area away from the connection.

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Hojatallah Azarkhosh, Wu Erjun, Ebahim Farajpourbonab