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    SUMMARY – In this paper the results of an experimental investigation aimed to the assessment of Young moduli, rigidity moduli and other mechanical properties for different types of masonry are shown.The mechanical characteristics predicted by models proposed by some technical codes were compared against experimental data.This study was motivated by the suggestion of the Masonry Standards Joint Committee’s (MSJC) code that, while proposing the use of such models, acknowledges the lack of testing in support of their validation. The experimental investigation has included compressive tests on components (blocks and mortar), diagonal compressive tests and ordinary compressive tests (orthogonally to beds joints) on portions of masonry. The details of the experimental campaign and the prediction capacity of the above models, for the types of masonry investigated, are presented.

    The complete Issue 1, 2012 could be downloaded from the home page.

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  • Zone, griglie, o… stanze? Dalle «zone sismiche» al «room effect»: verso una nuova modalità nella determinazione del rischio sismico

    Seismic zoning considered in the new Italian seismic code (D.M. 14-1-2008), and the pertinent definition of elastic response spectra to be used in design are critically revised and discussed, pointing out serious problems that may arise in the application of the relevant code rules and parameters. A comparison with ASCE-7 2005 United States standard is also performed. Finally, the target precision of elastic spectra resulting from such parameters is discussed, showing that a four digits computation may be misleading.

    This paper is available in Italian only.