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  • Strutture prefabbricate in c.a. in zona sismica: stato della pratica costruttiva italiana e principali problematiche di progettazione

    The work presented here is the starting point of a two-year numerical and experimental research programme, funded by the Department of Civil Protection and developed at the European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering (Eucentre), the main goal of which will be the evaluation of the seismic local and global response of RC precast structures. The present article concerns a preliminary overview of the main design issues following the recent development of the code requirements.

    This paper is available in Italian only.

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  • Il ruolo della fascia di piano nel comportamento sismico degli edifici in muratura

    This paper deals with the role of the spandlers in the seismic behaviour of the masonry building. Particularly the seismic performance of masonry walls in their own plane have been analyzed by mean of non-linear static analyses performed on schemes of equivalent frames. Different geometrical and structural configurations of the spandlers have been considered and the corresponding capacities in coupling the piers have been deepen too. Both beams and columns have been modeled considering lumped plasticity at the ends of the elements. The results obtained confirmed the very strategic role of the spandlers in the seismic capacity of the masonry building

    This paper is available in Italian only

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  • Valutazione degli effetti di amplificazione sismica in piccoli bacini sedimentari per studi di pericolosità sismica locale a scala regionale

    Parametric analyses for the evaluation of the local seismic response, in small sedimentary basins, are here presented. These analyses have been performed through 1D and 2D models, with the aim to point out a quick methodology for the evaluation of local seismic hazard of sedimentary basins and to include these effects in studies of seismic hazard at regional scale.
    The results of this study consist of specific tables where the amplification factor Fa is shown as depending on seismic zones, soil classes and thickness range of the deposits. The Fa related to the lithological effects was calculated for period ranges of 0.1-0.5 s, 0.5-1.0 s and 0.1-2.5 s. Moreover, for the period range 0.1-0.5 s, a specific value of DFa has been calculated to take in to account the geometrical effects of the basin. The Fa ranges allow has to define an increasing scale of the local seismic hazard suitable to single out areas characterized by different geological exposure to local seismic effects. These areas should be further analyzed at a more detailed scale.

    This paper is available in Italian only

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  • Influenza delle Tamponature sulla statica dei telai in c.a. in zona sismica

    This paper describes a model able to evaluate the effect of masonry panels on reinforced concrete frames subjected to a seismic action. The panel is modelled as an equivalent diagonal element with a bilinear constitutive relation. The efficacy of the model is verified with an hysteretic model which considers some fundamental characteristics of masonry subjected to a seismic action (transitory phase between elastic and elasto-plastic behaviour, stiffness and strength decay, reduction of the hysteresis cycles due to the opening and closing of the cracks). This study shows that the presence of masonry panels causes a different distribution of the seismic action that usually concentrates in the lower floors (with accumulation of the damage in these levels) and the whole structure keeps in the elastic field.

    This paper is available in Italian only.